In collaboration with the Ocean Purpose Project, Outdoor Adventures hosted the annual ‘Race for Oceans’ at KOKOMO Beach Club. Every year, kayaking teams worldwide gather in the name of environmental sustainability for awareness of the plight of our seas. For 2021, the Race For Oceans rolled into Singapore and we were honored to set the scene for paddlers making for the seas, picking up waste material along the race route. Headlined by Minister of State for Ministry of Home Affairs of Singapore, Mr Desmond Tan and his family, the enthusiasts worked up a sweat collecting as much waste floating on the sea, and having a ball of a time along the way!
In retrospect, we are way behind in terms of keeping the environment sustainable. There are still many people out there who have yet to be aware of mother nature and the consequences when litter, waste are being thrown away or used excessively. It is our mission to strive in creating the platform and opportunity for people to understand and experience the whole idea of keeping the place a clean green and sustainable earth!
At KOKOMO Beach Club, we would paddle out with families and friends in our sit on top kayaks and venture into mangrove areas along Pasir Ris Park, everyone that comes along would have a great day learning about different types of seaweed, bioremediation, as well as the impact on the fishing kelongs sitting in the locality. At the end, participants brought home beautiful medals made from recycled plastic by
We look forward to continuing with everyone on this journey! Stay tuned for there will definitely be more to come! All here at KOKOMO Beach Club!.