20 Apr Kukup Kayaking Expedition Feb 2020
At the break of dawn of 28 February, an intrepid group of explorers boarded a bus towards Puteri Harbour to embark on a voyage that would test them physically, mentally and emotionally. Spread over 2 days, they kayaked over open waters using both double and single kayaks, supported by the mother boat Jonasis and 2 safety boats, clocking about 35km each way, for a total distance of more than 70km. Despite facing different scenarios ranging from strong winds, battling waves, to shallow muddy mangrove waters, the fleet stuck together, following the lead of the expedition leaders, and kept encouraging and pushing everyone forward to reach the destination. Of course, not forgetting the seafood dinner at Kukup with the unplanned fireworks surprise, it provided the necessary energy boost for the journey back to Puteri Harbour the next day. A big well done to all kayakers for your resilience and willpower, and appreciation to the support boat crew and land team for your encouragement and coverage of safety and other logistical issues!